Advanced Technology Viticulture
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       Some results on Recycling Sprayers..............

Page "under development"
A simplified methodology .....
Soil deposition (plant protection agent found in spray direction of the sprayer)
Soil deposition as proportion of the application volume
Deposition (Leave - upper/ lower surface))
Rem: Result for "Circuit-flow" interpolated of "Reflex" method !
Spray Recovery  ("Recycling rate" => direct economical gain)
Below an example how the "Circuit-Flow" recycling principle (a concept by ATV/ Bernd Kleinlagel)
has been successfully realized for low-vigour canopies (e.g. N.Z.):
Further developments by ATV in regard to "recycling" spraying:

- improved airflow for dense/ vigorous canopies
- improved canopy spray penetration by new nozzle technology
- new concept for sprayer stability
- integrating spray application into "Precision Viticulture"
For more information on the 'Circuit Flow Recycling' sprayers for more vigorous
canopies (e.g. Australia/ US/ Spain vineyards)   please contact ATV!
For more detailed information about environmental friendly/ recycling sprayers:

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